We are proud to have a safe school where students and parents know and understand our expectations. At the beginning of each school year we review our expectations with students and encourage parents to read the policies detailed below and in the school and district's Parent Student Handbooks.
To view the current handbooks, please see Parent Student Handbooks.
- Arrival and Dismissal
- Parking Lot Safety
- Attendance, Absences, and Tardies
- Signing a Student Out
- Visitors on Campus
- Office Communication
- Medication
- Lunch at School
- Emergency Contact Numbers
- Emergency Drills
- Homework
- Student Behavior and Consequences
- Student Dress Code
- Student Use of Devices and Online Activity
- Cell Phones
- Social Media
- Bicycle, Skateboard, Scooter Safety
- Personal Items from Home
- Lost and Found
- Textbooks
- Pet Free Campus
- Birthday Celebrations
- Field Trips
- Zero Tolerance - Dangerous Items
- Evergreen School District Policies
Arrival and Dismissal
We are concerned about the safety and protection of all children arriving and departing Cadwallader. We appreciate the cooperation of all to ensure the safety of all.
Morning Traffic can be a dangerous time so we ask you to follow all traffic safety rules.
- White curbs are for drop off only. Drive up to the curb, have your child exit curbside, and then drive off for the next car to pull in.
- Do not stop or park at a red curb or in the crosswalk.
- Left turns are possible on Forestwood, but no U-turns are legal on Cadwallader Avenue with congested traffic. Also, no U-turns are allowed in crosswalks.
- Pedestrians please use our orange flags when crossing the street so drivers see you.
- Drivers, please remember to stop behind the crosswalk at all stop signs. Do not inch forward toward the crosswalk when pedestrians are crossing. Together we can keep our crosswalks a car-free safety-zone for students and families.
- Please drive slowly and pay attention to your surroundings.
- Do not use your cell phone while driving.
- If you are walking your child on campus, park outside and walk in, or better yet, walk from home, if possible.
Parking Lot Safety
Please take a minute to watch our parking safety tips and review the following rules.
All drivers of kindergarten through 6th grade students are to drop off students outside the parking lot or park outside the lot at a gray curb.
- Our parking lot is reserved for buses, staff, day-care drivers, preschool parents, & the disabled that must get out of their car to collect their child (kindergarten students must be picked up and dropped off at the classroom door.) If you are one of these visitors, please make sure you have a pass from our front office to show upon entrance.
- Any authorized adult that needs to pick up a student from our front office is allowed in the parking lot.
- Do not park in any red zones.
Yellow Lines
- While on campus, please remain behind the yellow lines unless you have signed in to the front office and are visiting a classroom.
- During afternoon pickup, please remain behind the yellow lines until all students are dismissed.
Attendance, Absences, and Tardies
Students are expected to be in school except in cases of emergency, illness, or school-approved absences. The only excused absences are personal illness or injury, medical or dental services, quarantine, a funeral attendance or a religious holiday.
School funding is lost every time a student is absent. No matter what the reason, if a student is absent, no funds are received that day. Beyond your student losing valuable instructional time, lack of funding affects our entire school site.
- Parents should notify the school each day the student is absent.
- Family travel plans must be made during official school vacation holidays. Any absences due to family vacations are unexcused absences.
- If your child cannot go out for recess or take part in physical education, he/she must bring a signed note stating the reason for being excused. Frequent or extended absences from recess or P.E. may require a doctor’s statement.
- Make-up work is provided for excused absences; and a student will be given time to complete make-up work once he/she returns to school. The standard is one day for each day’s absence.
- 3 or more unexcused absences or excessive tardies may result in a parent/principal conference.
- 3 or more unexcused absences or excessive tardies may also result in a referral to the Student Study Team.
- Excessive absence/tardies that are more than ten percent of the school year may result in a referral to the district’s School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Tardiness (Arriving Late)
- A student is tardy after 8:15 a.m., after the first bell has rung. The student needs to be in his/her class line when the bell rings. If they are not in their class line, then they need a late pass from the Office.
- A student should report to the Office first when arriving late to school. An adult should accompany late primary students to the Office.
Signing a Student Out
- If a student needs to leave during the school day, parents must check him/her out in the Office. The child will be called to the Office via the classroom phone.
- Parents are encouraged to make dental and medical appointments after school hours.
- Please wait for your students behind the painted yellow lines.
- Standing outside the classroom while waiting for your child is disruptive to the learning environment.
Visitors on Campus
We welcome visitors to our school, but for the protection of our students, visitors are to report directly to the Office first to obtain a visitor’s pass. Please do not go directly to the classroom during class time or to the Café and the playgrounds during recess or lunch hours. During arrival and dismissal times, please wait at the front of the school behind the yellow lines.
To make the best use of your time, it is best to schedule a conference when it is necessary to speak to a teacher or the principal.
Office Communication
If you need to give your child a message, medication, glasses or lunch money, please call or go to our front office. We will be sure to get the information to your child as soon as possible.
During the year, we will send home notes concerning school activities, rules, and other information. A weekly message is sent to all parents. Your information must be current on the PowerSchool Parent Portal in order to receive this information. All information is posted on our school website as well, including the school calendar of events. School website: cadwallader.eesd.org. Learn more about our communication tools.
No medication, prescription or over the counter, can be brought to school and taken by students without both parent and doctor signatures. Medication request forms may be obtained in the Health Office. In addition, all medication must be kept in the Health Office unless the doctor states otherwise. This is inclusive of any medication from inhalers to cough drops.
Lunch at School
- Students eating hot lunch must eat it at school. State law doesn’t allow for it to be taken off campus.
- School breakfast and lunches are all free to all student attending Cadwallader Elementary School. Parents or guardians are not allowed in the food-services area.
- Drop off late lunches in the office for your child to pick up. Please make sure that your student is aware that you are dropping off their lunch. This helps with the office staff not disturbing morning instructional time.
Emergency Contact Numbers
The school must always be informed of a work telephone number or emergency number in the event your child becomes ill or is injured at school and requires your presence. Please remember to notify the school of any change of address or telephone number immediately. Parents should update their contact information themselves through our district’s PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Emergency Drills
The safety of your child is one of our greatest concerns. The school holds regular drills to teach students to respond calmly in the event of an emergency. Fire, earthquake, and lockdown drills are conducted throughout the year. Detailed escape plans are posted inside the door of each classroom. Each class has an escape route to an outside area a safe distance from the school building. We have designated staging areas in the event of an emergency that requires us to leave campus. In the event of a real emergency, parents will be contacted using the emergency contact information in the PowerSchool Parent Portal System.
The fundamentals — reading, writing, speaking, and mathematics — often need to be reinforced with additional practice, which the students may complete outside the classroom. Homework is to be an extension of classwork. Students must assume responsibility for their class work just as they will assume job responsibility in the future. Each Cadwallader teacher will explain his/her individual homework policy at Back to School Night.
No Rescue Policy for Homework
- Forgot homework or didn’t do it?
- Natural consequences
- Do Not bring it to school for them
- Guide, suggest, but don’t do it for them
- Checklist before bed
- Folder in backpack?
- Backpack at the front door?
- Student carries his/her own backpack each day
- Need help or suggestions? We are here to help
Checklist for Helping Your Child with Homework:
- Do you set a regular time every day for homework?
- Does your child have the necessary materials to do assignments?
- Does your child have a quiet place with plenty of light?
- Do you set a good example by reading and writing yourself?
- Do you stay in touch with your child's teacher?
- Do you know what your child's assignments are? How long they should take? How the teacher wants you to be involved?
- Do you make sure assignments are completed?
- Do you read the teacher's comments on work returned?
- Is TV viewing, computer, tablet or cell phone use taking valuable time away from homework?
- Do you understand and respect your child's style of learning? Does she/he learn best when she/he can see things, hear them, or handle them?
- Do you help your child to get organized? How does she/he keep track of assignments? Does she/he have a book bag or folder for papers?
- Do you talk with your child about homework? Does she/he understand it?
- Do you meet the teacher early in the year before any problems arise?
- If a problem arises, do you meet with the teacher promptly?
- Do you cooperate with the teacher and your child to develop a plan to address homework problems?
Show that you think education and homework are important
Monitor assignments
Provide Guidance
Talk with someone at school when problems come up
Student Behavior and Consequences
We focus on SAFETY, RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY. Students using SELF-CONTROL with their physical bodies and the words that come out of their mouths are of utmost importance. Students make decisions about their own behavior and have consequences if they make a negative choice. Children are human and make mistakes. A powerful conversation with a student involves asking them, if they could rewind and go back to the same situation, what would he/she do differently? Reflect on the choice that was made and the consequences for that decision. The most important thing is that students learn from those mistakes and make better decisions in the future.
We treat students individually, based on what will work for them. While the rules will be uniform for all, specific consequences will be assigned on an individual basis based upon the needs, offense, and history of the student. Just as students need different approaches to reading, they need different approaches to discipline. We believe that being fair means giving each person what he/she needs, not treating everyone exactly the same.
Citations and Reflection Sheets
Citations are given to students as a reminder of the school rules that need to be followed in order for all students to be safe, respectful to others, and to be responsible for their individual behavior. Citations are sent home for a parent signature in order for parents to have a follow-up conversation with their child regarding the student’s behavior choice. Citations are not placed in your child’s permanent file. A reflection sheet may accompany a citation or be sent instead of a citation. This is another tool used to have a conversation with your student to learn from their mistakes. No perfection, but we keep trying to improve. Please return the citation, and possible reflection sheet the following school day.
Student Dress Code
Students should dress in a manner that allows them to fully participate in all school activities and is not distracting. Proper attire helps create an environment that is conducive to learning. The primary standards are that students be neat and clean while at school and that they conform to the district dress and grooming standards. Generally, students are not to be dressed in clothing which:
- Compromises safety or modesty
- Is disruptive to the educational process.
- Any clothing or apparel which:
- Is considered dangerous, unsafe or a health hazard.
- Contains offensive or obscene symbols, signs, or slogans.
- Contains language or symbols oriented toward violence, sex, drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
- Is mostly red or blue that includes but is not limited to shirts, pants, hats, and/or shoes.
- Any attire or grooming disruptive to the instructional process which may include, but is not limited to:
- Make-up
- Off the shoulder or bare midriff tops
- Halter tops
- Tank tops, spaghetti straps
- Mesh tops
- Shorts, skorts, or skirts shorter than fingertip length or three inches above the knee
- Clothing which allows underwear to be exposed
- Long dangling earrings
- Open-toed shoes with or without ankle straps, No shoes with skate wheels or crocs are to be worn at school.
All hats must be removed inside buildings.
Student Use of Devices and Online Activity
As educators and parents we have a responsibility to keep our children safe. Please monitor your students activities with the use of electronic devices. To limit distractions for your child and for you to be aware of their communication online, the following is suggested:
- Look at your child’s phone or device regularly and check the history of where they have been.
- Make sure you have all the usernames and passwords for everything your child is using online.
- Take all devices, including phones and video game controllers, into your own bedroom at night so your child does NOT have access and will get a good night’s sleep.
- Limit screen time to the weekends unless a device is needed for homework.
- Limit video game usage to the weekends.
- Ask your phone provider about syncing your smartphone to your child’s smartphone. This allows you to see what they are texting or sending to others and what they are receiving as well.
With our successful front office communication, there is no need for your child to bring a cell phone to school. A phone is available to call parents before or after school and our office is open from 7:30am until 4pm daily.
Cell Phones
- Cell phones are allowed at school for the purpose of contacting parents/guardians before or after school.
- Our office is open until 4pm each day, so all students can contact parents without the need for a cell phone.
- Your child is not allowed to use a cell phone during the school day unless they have permission from their classroom teacher for school purposes.
- No student is to have their phone in use after school on school grounds to do anything but text or call regarding transportation home.
- Students using their phones for other reasons will need to turn their phones in at the start of each day and have it returned to them at the end of each school day. Parents may be asked to come pick up the cell phones.
- The school is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones.
Social Media
Bicycle, Skateboard, Scooter Safety
Students may ride bicycles, skateboards or scooters to school, provided they have a current parent permission slip on file in the Office or are accompanied by a parent. By law, helmets must be worn and it is recommended that bicycles be locked up on the bike rack. The school will not accept responsibility for the safety of bicycles. Bicycles, skateboards, and scooters must be walked in crosswalks and while on school grounds.
Personal Items from Home
Children should leave all toys/equipment at home (i.e. bats, skateboards, scooters, trading cards, etc.). Sports equipment is allowed if it has been approved by the classroom teacher and a student is willing to donate it to the classroom. Students should not bring balls to and from school on a daily basis. All electronic devices (ie. ipads, tablets, etc.) should be left at home. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items that should not be at school.
Lost and Found
Pet Free Campus
Birthday Celebrations
Parents are allowed to send small treat bags that preferable do not contain food as a way to celebrate their child’s birthday with classmates. Due to allergies and good nutrition, we encourage you to find an alternative treat for your child's classmates that is not food based. If you intend to bring in treats, they do need to be store bought and individual so that they can be handed out to the classmates on their way out of school at the end of the day. Save balloons and decorations for celebrating at home.
Field Trips
When a field trip is to be taken, your child will bring home a permission form giving the destination and date. This form must be signed and returned to the teacher before your child will be allowed to go on the trip. Per our district, no verbal permission by phone is accepted. All field trips are supported with parent donations. If there are not enough donations for a field trip, the field trip may need to be cancelled. If you plan on driving your own student to or from a field trip, a liability form must be filled out in advance. Chaperones are asked to monitor a group of students for safety reasons. No non-Cadwallader students should be attending a field trip with a chaperone.
Zero Tolerance - Dangerous Items
We adhere to a Zero Tolerance Policy when it comes to dangerous items at school. These include but are not limited to firearms, knives, dirks, daggers, razors or any weapon with a fixed or sharpened blade, explosives, etc. Any student found to be in possession of such items will be held accountable to sanctions listed in educational code such as suspension and expulsion. If warranted, the police will be called. Senate Bill No. 1198 amends Education Code section #48915 to require the principal or superintendent of schools to immediately suspend and recommend for expulsion any student in grades K-12 found to be in possession of a firearm at school or at a school activity off school grounds. Senate Bill No. 292 expands this current law to include any instrument that propels a metallic projectile as a firearm for expulsion. This includes BB or pellet guns, spot markers, or paint guns on school grounds.
Evergreen School District Policies
The following Evergreen School District policies are provided to you to increase your awareness of what is and is not tolerated at any Evergreen School District campus. Policies in their entirety will be distributed at the beginning of the school year and can be requested from the school office.
Student Use of Technology - B.P. 6163.4
The Governing Board recognizes that technology provides ways to access the most current and extensive sources of information. Technology enables students to practice skills and to develop reasoning and problem-solving abilities. Every effort shall be made to provide equal access to technology throughout the district’s schools and classes. Students are responsible for adhering to Evergreen School District’s Acceptable Use Agreement.
Non-Discrimination - B.P. 5145.3
District programs and activities shall be free from discrimination, including harassment, with respect to the actual or perceived ethnic group, religion, gender, color, race, ancestry, national origin, and physical or mental disability, age or sexual orientation. The Governing Board shall ensure equal opportunities for all students in admission and access to the educational program, guidance, and counseling programs, athletic programs, testing procedures, and other activities.
Sexual Harassment - B.P. 5145.7
The Governing Board is committed to maintaining a school environment that is free from harassment. The Board prohibits sexual harassment of any student by another student, an employee or other person, at school or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity. The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against any person who complains, testifies, assists or otherwise participates in the complaint process established in accordance with this policy. Any student who engages in sexual harassment of anyone at school or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity is in violation of this policy and shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Uniform Complaint Procedure - B.P. 1312.4
The Board recognizes that the district has primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with state and federal laws and regulations governing education. The district shall investigate and seek to resolve complaints at the local level. The district shall follow uniform procedures when addressing civil rights guarantees, complaints alleging unlawful discrimination or gender equity issues, or failure to comply with state or federal law in programs for consolidated categorical aid, Indian education, migrant education, child nutrition, special education, adult education, career/vocation education, and child development. The Board prohibits retaliation in any form for the filing of a complaint, the reporting of instances of discrimination, or for participation in complaint procedures. Such participation shall not in any way affect the status, grades, or work assignments of the complainant. The Board acknowledges and respects employee rights to privacy. Discrimination complaints shall be investigated in a manner that protects the confidentiality of the parties and the facts. This includes keeping the identity of the complainant confidential except to the extent necessary to carry out the investigation or proceedings, as determined by the Superintendent or designee on a case-by-case basis. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that employees designated to investigate complaints are knowledgeable about the laws and programs for which they are responsible.
Tobacco-Free Environment - B.P. 4016.1 and 5131.62
Documentation and research has demonstrated the health hazards associated with the use of tobacco products and the breathing of second-hand smoke. Further, a legislative mandate requires the district to alleviate the presence and use of tobacco products in the educational environment. The Governing Board intends to maintain tobacco and smoke-free school facilities, grounds, offices, work areas, and district vehicles for all of its students, employees, parents, volunteers, and visitors.
Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures - B.P. 3212.4 W
The Board recognizes that the district has primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with state and federal laws and regulations governing education. The district shall investigate and seek to resolve complaints at the local level. The district shall follow uniform procedures when addressing complaints regarding Instructional Materials, Teacher Vacancy/Mis-assignment and Facilities conditions which pose an emergency or urgent threat to the health or safety of students and/or staff.
Protection of Pupil Rights
The district has adopted policies, in consultation with parents, regarding student and parent rights as well as arrangements to protect the privacy in the administration of protected information surveys and the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales or other distribution purposes. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act gives parents certain rights with respect to their child’s educational records. More information is available in the school office.